Muhammad book on hold in the UK

Oktober 25, 2008 at 3:52 pm (Buku Islam, Muhammad, Novel) ()

Sumber BBC News via Yahoo! Alerts

Sherry Jones

Sherry Jones has been heavily criticised for her book

The author of a controversial novel about the Prophet Muhammad has postponed its UK publication.

American writer Sherry Jones has also cancelled her promotional tour next week for The Jewel of Medina.

The novel, which focuses on Muhammad’s relationship with his child bride Aisha, has been dismissed by one academic as “softcore pornography”.

A member of staff at its UK publisher in London was recently targeted in a suspected petrol bomb attack.

Three men have since been arrested and charged with conspiring to damage Martin Rynja’s home and office.

Denise Spellberg, an associate professor of Middle Eastern studies at the University of Texas, was quoted in the US media as saying the book took “sacred history” and turned it into “softcore pornography”. Baca entri selengkapnya »

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Press Release: The Random House Group signs Webgains as affiliate network

Oktober 25, 2008 at 3:18 pm (Inggris, Uncategorized) ()

Sumber : Yahoo! News via Yahoo! Alerts, Release Date: 21 October 2008

The Random House Group, one of the largest general book publishing companies in the UK, has signed an agreement with international affiliate network Webgains to represent its affiliate marketing program within the UK.

The affiliate program will be for ( ), the official book shop for The Random House Group. It sells over 12,000 titles and provides exclusive author information, special offers and the newly released book-browsing widget. Webgains will be promoting opportunities for other sites to host click through banners to the rbooks website.
Joy Judge, e- commerce manager for The Random House Group, said the rationale for running an affiliate program for the first time was to expand brand awareness of the rbooks website and to tap into another area of online marketing. Baca entri selengkapnya »

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Mafia book author in ‘great danger’ from mob: Rushdie

Oktober 25, 2008 at 2:32 pm (Membaca, Novel, Salman Rushdie) ()

Sumber: Yahoo! News via Yahoo! Alerts Thu Oct 16, 1:17 pm ET

PARIS, Oct 16, 2008 (AFP) – British writer Salman Rushdie, who lived in hiding for years after an Islamic death threat, said Thursday that the Italian author of a book on organised crime is in far greater danger than he himself ever was.

“I met Roberto Saviano in New York in April. He’s an extremely pleasant, very intelligent man, but he’s in great danger,” he told France Info radio.

Saviano, the author of “Gomorrah,” said Wednesday he plans to flee his native Italy after learning that the Naples-area organised crime gang, the Camorra, wants him dead by the end of the year.

Rushdie said that “in April in New York, the FBI believed he was already in danger, because there is the mafia in the United States too.”

“Things are worse” for Saviano than for him, Rushdie said. “The mafia poses a much bigger problem than the one I had to face.”

Rushdie’s “Satanic Verses,” published 20 years ago, earned him an Islamic death threat and forced him to live in hiding under police protection for nearly a decade.

Some 1.2 million copies of Saviano’s book have sold in Italy.

Filmmaker Matteo Garrone‘s screen version of the book won a major prize at the Cannes film festival in May and is in the running for an Oscar.

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Muhammad-related novel published without incident

Oktober 20, 2008 at 12:07 pm (Buku Islam, Muhammad, Novel) (, )

SPOKANE, Wash. – Sherry Jones’ The Jewel of Medina reached bookstores Oct. 6 amid fears that the book about the Prophet Muhammad’s child bride might lead to violence and threats. But the author said she had received no threats and was spending the day quietly, except for talking to reporters and being photographed.Jones’ novel is about Aisha, who according to tradition was 9 when she became the wife of the Prophet Muhammad, and later a political and military leader in her own right.

“I’m going to a dinner party tonight, but it’s not in my honor or anything,” Jones said. Baca entri selengkapnya »

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Surah Yasin Dalam Kehidupan Sehari-har

Oktober 4, 2008 at 8:22 am (Buku Islam, Uncategorized)

Yâ Sîn. Bunyi ayat pertama sekaligus nama surah ini merupakan panggilan kesayangan yang khusus Allah berikan kepada setiap hamba yang membacanya. Allah menyeru pembaca “Jantung Alquran” ini untuk
berjuang menyebarkan kasih sayang.
Ketika ditimpa berbagai penderitaan, seseorang memerlukan pijakan yang amat kuat, yang kukuh. Ketika dakwah Nabi Muhammad dilecehkan, dan bahkan Nabi sendiri mulai diserang, Surah Yasin diturunkan untuk memperkukuh basis perjuangannya dalam menegakkan keadilan dan kasih sayang, yang sering kali diringkas menjadi penegakan kebenaran. Baca entri selengkapnya »

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Oktober 4, 2008 at 8:19 am (Uncategorized)

Menyingkap Rahasia Kecerdasan Berdasarkan Al-Quran dan Neurosains Mutakhir (Edisi 2008, hard cover)

Author : Taufiq Pasiak, Publisher : Mizan, Our Price : Rp. 102.600,00

Buku ini menyoroti dan menguak tirai misteri struktur dan fungsi otak yang amat kompleks, dengan menggunakan ungkapan yang mudah dicerna. Ia bahkan diperkaya dengan kajian metafisik di balik tirai struktural dan fungsional otak. Baca entri selengkapnya »

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Masyarakat Muslim Inggris

Oktober 4, 2008 at 8:15 am (Uncategorized)

Sumber : BBC Indonesia, Diperbaharui pada: 19 Agustus, 2008 – Published 18:03 GMT

East London Mosque
Brick Lane dari East London Mosque, salah satu masjid nesar London

Masyarakat Muslim Inggris sebagian besar terdiri dari para pendatang yang terutama berasal dari Pakistan, Bangladesh dan India.

Gelombang kedatangan para imigran Muslim Inggris bermula pada tahun 1950an dan 1960an, dan sampai sekarang warna anak benua India masih kental dalam identitas kaum Muslim Inggris.

Pemerintah Inggris sekarang getol mendorong pembentukan identitas Muslim yang khas. Apakah ini bisa terjadi dan bagaimana bentuknya?

Setiap hari Jum’at Masjid Brick Lane di London Timur dipenuhi jemaah yang datang dari jalan-jalan di sekitarnya dan bahkan orang-orang Bangladesh yang tinggal di bagian lain kota London. Baca entri selengkapnya »

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Kampanye pemilu 2009 dimulai

Oktober 4, 2008 at 8:13 am (London, Uncategorized) ()

Diperbaharui pada: 08 Juli, 2008 – Published 11:12 GMT

Sumber : BBC Siaran Indonesia, Posting, 31 Agustus 2008
Bendera parpol pada pemilu 2004
Parpol pada pemilu 2009 berjumlah 34 sementara thaun 2004 berjumlah 24 partai

Kampanye bagi pemilihan umum 2009 secara resmi dimulai hari Sabtu 12/7 dimana pemilu akan diikuti 34 partai.

Partai peserta pemilu bertekad untuk melaksanakan kampanye secara santun, tertib dan damai.

Namun dengan begitu banyaknya partai yang berusaha untuk mendapatkan dukungan, bagaimana menurut anda, apakah kampanye akan bisa berlangsung tanpa gangguan.

Apakah kampanye di dalam ruangan seperti yang dimulai minggu ini akan berguna bagi masyarakat luas untuk bisa mengetahui keberadaan partai ?

Selain nama-nama partai yang sudah diketahui masyarakat banyak seperti PDI-P, PPP, PKB, PAN, Partai Demokrat, dan Golkar, partai-partai baru harus bisa mengyakinkan masyarakat untuk memilih mereka. Baca entri selengkapnya »

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3 men in court charged with publisher attack plot

Oktober 4, 2008 at 6:43 am (Buku Islam, Muhammad, Novel, Salman Rushdie) ()

LONDON Three men charged with plotting to attack the publisher of a novel about the Prophet Muhammad’s child bride made a brief court appearance Friday after being charged with plotting to damage the offices of Gibson Square publishers.

Ali Beheshti, 40, Abrar Mirza, 22, and Abbas Taj, 30, Beheshti also were charged with possession of a weapon designed or adapted for the discharge of a noxious liquid or gas – reportedly a gasoline bomb. No one was injured in the incident.

The suspects were returned to jail and their next court appearance is set for Oct. 17.

They were arrested early Sept. 27 under anti-terrorism laws, but were not charged with any terrorist offenses. Baca entri selengkapnya »

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Book ban ends rare Arab-Israeli cultural exchange

Oktober 4, 2008 at 5:57 am (Buku Islam, Membaca, Muslim, Sejarah) ()

Sumber : Yahoo! News via Yahoo! Alerts, By Joseph Nasr Tue Sep 30, 10:41 PM ET

HAIFA, Israel (Reuters) – For 15 years Israeli Saleh Abbasi has traded books between the Jewish state and its Arab neighbors, fostering a rare cultural link.

But in August Israeli authorities suddenly refused to renew his trading license because he was trading with “enemy” states Lebanon and Syria, frustrating both Abbasi’s business and the Arab and Israeli readers he has helped interest in each other’s literary traditions.

“How can the People of the Book be against books?” Abbasi asked, evoking the Jewish Bible as the first monotheistic holy text. “Books are a bridge to peace between cultures.” Baca entri selengkapnya »

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